Privacy policy

BLACK & WHITE MANAGEMENT S.r.l., con sede in ROMA, Via Pistoia 29, quale titolare del trattamento, si impegna a tutelare la riservatezza di chiunque visiti il proprio Sito e pertanto, salvo che nelle situazioni più avanti descritte, l’utente non sarà tenuto a fornire dati che ne permetteranno la diretta identificazione da parte della BLACK & WHITE MANAGEMENT S.r.l..

Tuttavia si precisa che i sistemi informatici ed i software utilizzati su questo Sito potranno raccogliere, durante la normale navigazione sullo stesso, dati connessi all’utilizzo di protocolli di comunicazione Internet al fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche sull’uso del Sito o per controllare che il funzionamento dello stesso sia corretto. Per maggiori informazioni sui tipi di cookie utilizzati da questo sito si rimanda alla specifica informativa estesa sui cookie.

Fatto salvo quanto sopra, i dati personali dell’utente potranno essere richiesti, attraverso gli appositi form da compilare, per gli scopi meglio precisati in ciascuna specifica sezione ove gli stessi sono raccolti. In particolare, potranno essere richiesti per effettuare le procedure di registrazione necessarie all’accesso ad alcune sezioni del Sito ovvero, previo consenso, per la selezione del personale o per l’invio gratuito (anche tramite e-mail) da parte della biG S.r.l. di materiale informativo e aggiornamenti sulle iniziative e le novità Galbani. Inoltre, nelle specifiche sezioni, potrà eventualmente essere richiesto anche il consenso per utilizzare detti dati per finalità di profilazione allo scopo di fornire servizi o promozioni personalizzate.

Non sussiste alcun obbligo da parte dell’utente a fornire tali dati, il cui mancato conferimento potrà tuttavia comportare il mancato accesso alle informazioni contenute nelle sezioni dedicate, alle novità Galbani e/o ai servizi richiesti. La BLACK & WHITE MANAGEMENT S.r.l. si limiterà ad utilizzare i dati personali dell’utente – con strumenti prevalentemente automatizzati e per il tempo necessario a conseguire gli scopi per i quali i dati sono espressamente raccolti e solo per i fini specificamente indicati di volta in volta e nel rispetto delle normative vigenti in materia di riservatezza.

I dati, che potranno essere comunicati a terzi che effettuano servizi di marketing per nostro conto, a società del gruppo per attività promozionali o per la selezione del personale, o a soggetti ai quali la comunicazione sia dovuta per legge, non saranno in alcun modo commercializzati o ceduti a terzi. I soggetti cui si riferiscono i dati possono esercitare, in ogni momento, i diritti di cui all’art. 7 del D.Lgs. 196/03 (tra cui a titolo d’esempio la conferma dell’esistenza o meno dei dati, conoscere il loro contenuto, l’origine, verificarne l’esattezza o chiederne l’aggiornamento e l’integrazione o la cancellazione), inviando le proprie richieste al Titolare del Trattamento Dati: BLACK & WHITE MANAGEMENT S.r.l., con sede in ROMA, Via Pistoia 29, 00182 o al Responsabile del Trattamento Dati pro tempore ove nominato, Via Pistoia 29, 00182 Roma. [:en] Effective Date: May, 06th 2015


At Black&White management (“Black&White“), we respect your privacy. The purpose of this privacy policy (hereinafter the “Policy“) is to explain how we use and protect information we may gather from you through our website accessible through

Data we collect on you from our website will be transferred to our servers and office in Switzerland. By providing personally identifiable data on you, you understand they will be communicated and treated at our office in Switzerland. Swiss law on personal data protection may greatly differ from regulations in force in your country. You can check the Swiss law content at the following address (click here).

By using this website, you fully consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, please do not use our website.


 2.1 – Personal Information

You are not required to provide personally identifiable information as a condition of accessing this website and its main content. We ensure to collect the minimum amount of personal information necessary to facilitate transactions and communication with you, to improve our services and your experience. The personally identifiable information we may collect on you include:

  • name
  • address
  • telephone numbers (including mobile)
  • email address
  • company you work for
  • drivers of your interest in our company and its products
  • details you may provide on intended use of your products

Some functions and content of our website will require you to provide the above mentioned information. Failing to do so will prevent you from being able to use these functions and access some content.

2.2 – Non-personal information

Using our website may result in the collect of certain non-personally identifiable information. Each visitor to our website will be recognize through his domain name or IP address (where possible). We may also collect your browser type and operating system. These information may be combined with personally identifiable.

2.3 – Cookies

We use cookies to analyze the traffic on our website (such as total visitors and pages viewed), to personalize content and to make improvements to the website.


We use the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To communicate with you and to assess your needs
  • To provide information concerning our products and services
  • To conduct other transactions that you request
  • For the purpose of conduction normal business operations related to our company and products

We may combine information you made available to us with information related to your transactions with Black&White, as well as with information we receive about you from other data providers such as, but not limited to, commercial registrar offices and credit ranking agencies.

Collected information will be retained for commercially reasonable periods of time or in compliance with specific policies and applicable laws. Information collected for a specified purpose will only be used and stored for that purpose for a reasonable period of time.


We do not share or disclose your personal information with third-parties. Your information will not be rented, sold or used for any commercial purposes other than those of Black&White.

We may disclose the information we collect from and about you to our subsidiaries and affiliates for the purpose of providing the services and products you have requested.

However, we may disclose your personal information to third parties: (i) in case we have reason to believe that such disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, customers or other users of our websites or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities; (ii) in response to a judicial process and provide information to law enforcement agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law, or otherwise as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process.

We may share aggregated information about our customers with our advertisers and marketing partners. This information does not include any personally identifiable information.


Users’ comments, posted on our website after gathering each user’s agreement, may contain personally identifiable information. To request the removal of your comment please contact us through one of the methods listed below.


Our website contain links to other websites, with privacy policies that differ from our own. We are not responsible for the activities and practices that take place on these websites.


In case you wish to review, amend, correct, update or delete personally identifiable information on you collected through our website, contact us at the email address provided below.

We may reject your request to access or delete information related to you in case we have reason to believe that such disclosure is prohibited by law or if the rights of a third-party might be violated.


We may update, correct and amend this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes made to this Privacy Policy will be published on this page with the last amendment date.


For any inquiry related to this policy, your information or privacy issues in general please contact the following person:

Gianluca Giusto, Black&White management S.r.l.
T +39 06 6524264 – F +39 06 65004785[:]
